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Inpatient Depression Treatment: Signs you need help

It’s more than just the blues. Depression is the great silent burden facing Americans today. Tens of millions of people every year suffer from depression. That doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to treat. It just means that it’s impossible to ignore. And more importantly, that means that it’s nearly impossible to treat by yourself. Getting […]

Cigna Rehab: Buckhead Behavioral Health is now in network with Cigna 

Buckhead Behavioral Health is proud to be in network with Cigna At Buckhead, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to heal. We built Buckhead because we want to help everyone that we can. That’s why we’re always looking for ways to help more people. And that’s why we’re proud to accept Cigna insurance as […]

Where can I find a mental health clinic?

Everyone gets sad sometimes. But sometimes, our mental health suffers from more than just a bad day. If you’re struggling with simply getting from day to day, if you’re depressed, suicidal, anxious or suffering from any number of kinds of mental health disorders, you’re not just having a bad day. And you need more than […]

Can Fentanyl use Cause Brain damage? 

A question mark that symbolizes the mystery of fentanyl use

Brain damage. Nobody wants to think about it. For pretty much everyone, it’s too scary to even imagine. While it’s unpleasant to dwell on, it’s incredibly important to make sure that you don’t develop brain damage yourself. That’s why you wear a helmet when you ride a bike. And why you wear a seatbelt when […]

What is Substance Abuse Evaluation

Drug rehab starts with substance abuse evaluation. Every single recovery journey begins with substance abuse evaluation. While many people have a good idea about what drug detox and drug rehab are, most people don’t understand what substance abuse evaluation or a substance abuse evaluator do.  Key Roles of a Substance Abuse Evaluator: Credentials of a […]

Bipolar Disorder vs BPD: What’s the difference

Question marks that people are holding over their heads

Bipolar Disorder vs BPD. Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are both serious mental health conditions. They have many things in common, but they are fundamentally not the same. What are the differences and similarities between these two disorders? Why is it so easy to make mistakes with comparing and contrasting Bipolar Disorder vs BPD? […]

What is High Functioning Depression?

A woman suffering from high functioning depression

Depression comes in many shapes and sizes. Depression can leave you paralyzed, stuck on your bed and unable to even summon up the will to brush your teeth in the morning. If you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, or any other kind of mental health disorder, we understand that it can be almost impossible to function. […]

Do I need Depression Counseling?

A young woman at peace and happy after getting Depression Counseling

Everybody needs help sometimes. And that’s OK. But everyone struggling with depression needs help as soon as possible. It’s not possible to overcome depression with force of will or positive thinking. Tens of millions of Americans suffer from depression every single year. And, unfortunately, millions of those Americans suffer without any treatment. Depression Counseling  can […]

Depression Treatment Centers in Atlanta

A young person in a depression treatment center.

Everyone gets sad sometimes. But depression is a lot more than just being sad. Anyone who has ever been depressed knows that sadness doesn’t even begin to cover the condition. If you’re struggling with depression, you need help. And you may need help in a Depression Treatment Center. Here are just a few ways that […]

The 5 Stages of Alcoholism: When Is It A Problem?

man is drinking heavily during the early stages of alcoholism

When does drinking become a problem? There are five stages of alcoholism throughout the progression of the disease. If you’re questioning if your drinking is a problem, then you are probably in one of these stages. Buckhead Behavioral Health can help you overcome alcoholism no matter what stage you are in. Visit our admissions page […]