Methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive drug that can cause tremendous physical and emotional damage. But addiction to methamphetamine is a treatable condition. Buckhead Behavioral Health provides a full continuum of meth addiction treatment services in Atlanta, Georgia. With proper care, people can overcome the urge to abuse meth and achieve a healthier, drug-free future.
What is our Approach to Meth Addiction Treatment?
At Buckhead Behavioral Health in Atlanta, our approach to meth addiction treatment is based on our belief that each person deserves to receive comprehensive, personalized care in a safe environment.
We understand that meth addiction affects virtually every part of a person’s life. Our programming is designed to promote true and lasting healing in mind, body, and spirit.
Those who receive care at our center work in active collaboration with their treatment team. We encourage them to ask questions, voice their concerns, and advocate on their own behalf, with the goal of empowering them to take ownership of their recovery.
Perhaps most importantly, we never lose sight of the fact that each person who chooses our meth addiction treatment program in Atlanta is a unique and valuable individual who is worthy of being treated with compassion and respect.
Signs and Symptoms of Meth Addiction
An addiction to methamphetamine can impact how a person looks, feels, and acts. The following are common signs and symptoms of meth addiction:
- Elevated body temperature and heart rate
- Skin damage, including scabs and scars
- Severe tooth decay
- Dramatic mood swings
- Outbursts of anger, aggression, and violence
- Significant changes in energy level
- Staying awake for extended periods, including multiple days
- Diminished appetite and resultant weight loss
- Restlessness and distractibility
- Increased sexual activity
- Racing thoughts an increased talkativeness
- Lack of attention to appearance and personal hygiene
- Loss of interest in work, school, hobbies, and other significant concerns
Long-Term Health Effects of Meth Addiction
There is no such thing as safe meth use. Abusing this drug even once can lead to devastating consequences. The longer a person uses it, the more likely they are to experience considerable harm. The following are potential long-term physical and mental health effects of meth addiction:
- Extensive dental problems
- Irregular heart rate
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Impaired functioning of the immune system
- Malnutrition
- Increased risk of hepatitis and HIV/AIDS
- Exposure to sexually transmitted infection
- Brain damage
- Development or worsening of mental illnesses
- Hallucinations and delusions
- Psychosis
What Happens During Meth Addiction Treatment?
Every person who becomes addicted to meth has unique needs, goals, and expectations. Thus, the specifics of what happens during meth addiction treatment can vary from person to person.
In general, though, there are typically three primary goals of meth addiction treatment:
- To help the person end their meth use
- To prepare the person to achieve long-term recovery from meth addiction
- To address any co-occurring mental health disorders that have also impacted the person’s life
Accomplishing these goals may involve medication, therapy, education, and additional support services.
Effective treatment begins with a thorough assessment. This allows the treatment team to identify the full scope of the person’s needs. The information that is gathered during the assessment can guide the development of the personalized treatment plan.
The assessment can also help the treatment team determine the right level or levels of care for the person. For example, at Buckhead Behavioral Health in Atlanta, we offer the following meth addiction treatment options:
- Outpatient Detox
- Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
- Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
- Virtual IOP
- Outpatient Rehab
Depending on the person’s needs and the level of care they’re participating in, their customized meth addiction treatment plan may include elements such as the following:
- Individual and group therapy
- Family Therapy
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Trauma Therapy
- Brainspotting Therapy
- Neurofeedback Therapy
- Holistic Therapy
- Medication management services
When a person completes meth addiction treatment at our center in Atlanta, they will also receive a detailed discharge plan before they transition out of our care. This plan may include information about professional services and community-based resources that can support them in the weeks, months, and even years to come.
Want to Learn more about Buckhead Behavioral Health?
How Long Does Meth Addiction Treatment Last?
The amount of time a person should remain in a program is determined by their needs, goals, and progress. Factors that can influence length-of-stay decisions include how long the person has been addicted to meth, how much of the drug they had been abusing, how severe their withdrawal symptoms are, and if they have also been living with a co-occurring mental health disorder.
Some people may only need to complete one level of care (such as residential treatment or a partial hospitalization program). Others may need to step down to an intensive outpatient program or outpatient rehab for additional support after completing a higher level of care.
In all decisions related to meth addiction treatment, the most important question is, “What is best for the person who is receiving care?” The answer to this question can influence which meth addiction treatment center a person enters, which level of programming they participate in, what types of services they receive, and how long their meth addiction treatment experience lasts.
When To Seek Meth Addiction Treatment?
Once you realize you have become addicted to meth, you should seek treatment as soon as possible. When you delay getting help, you remain at risk for myriad negative outcomes, including overdose and death. Meth addiction is a chronic, progressive disease. This means that it will not go away on its own, and it will get worse over time.
You can contact Buckhead Behavioral Health at any time of day or night by phone or through our admissions page. Don’t endanger your health any longer. Get the care you need today, so you can enjoy a healthier future.
Find Meth Addiction Treatment in Atlanta
Buckhead Behavioral Health offers a full continuum of personalized programming for people who have become addicted to meth. Features of meth treatment at our center in Atlanta, Georgia, include evidence-based therapies, multiple levels of care, focused services for people who have co-occurring mental health concerns, and detailed discharge planning to support your continued progress. Don’t let meth addiction rob you of another day. Contact us today to learn how we can help and learn about our admissions process.