Effects Of Drug Use During Pregnancy

When you struggle with drug abuse and get pregnant, you now have another life to consider, how your substance abuse will directly affect you. Drug use during pregnancy can put your baby at risk since the effects of the drugs are shared with your unborn baby. Fortunately, help is available when you want to stop […]
What Can I Do As the Spouse of An Addict?

As the spouse of an addict, you have probably had to deal with your loved one’s substance abuse in one manner or another. However, learning what you can do to deal with your spouse’s addiction is just as important as your spouse realizing they need substance abuse treatment. Addiction is a complicated disease that affects more […]
What Is An Alcohol-Induced Psychosis?

An alcohol-induced psychosis is a psychotic event that occurs for a specific amount of time while under the influence of alcohol. The psychotic event could include hallucinations, disorientation, or inability to discern what is real and what is not. Some people can also become very angry and aggressive during an alcohol-induced psychotic event. For example, […]
What Is the Difference Between PHP and IOP?

Two of the options available to you or a loved one when you are looking for an addiction treatment program, are PHP and IOP. Both provide the flexibility of customizable program treatment plans and options to best meet your substance abuse treatment needs. However, there are some differences between PHP and IOP that you need […]
Early Warning Signs of PTSD

By recognizing the early warning signs of PTSD, individuals struggling can find the help they need and recover from PTSD. Unfortunately, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is often associated with individuals who have served in the military and experienced combat first-hand. However, PTSD is a mental health disorder that could potentially affect anyone. Therefore, it is […]
Causes of Relapse and Avoiding Triggers

Causes of relapse vary from person to person and are often related to specific triggers. Release triggers are events, situations, or memories that bring up past feelings related to abusing drugs and alcohol. Part of a comprehensive addiction treatment program is to help individuals identify their triggers and develop effective coping skills to help prevent […]
Buckhead Behavioral Health Opens, Offering Addiction and Mental Health Treatment

Center provides addiction and mental health treatment for adults and adolescents Read the full-story here. ATLANTA, GA (October 27, 2021) – Buckhead Behavioral Health, an outpatient center providingtreatment for addiction and mental health, has officially opened its doors today. The facility, whichaccepts most major private medical insurance, offers a partial hospitalization program (PHP), intensiveoutpatient program […]
What Is Wet Brain?

Wet brain is physical side effect of alcohol addiction that is not as well-known, otherwise known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. When someone is struggling with alcohol abuse, there can be several damaging physical side effects, such as increased risks of cardiovascular disease, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, or wet brain. While WKS only affects a small […]
How Addictive is Klonopin?

Most people who are prescribed Klonopin often ask, “Can you get addicted to Klonopin?” Klonopin is a prescription benzodiazepine sedative used to help control and prevent anxiety, seizures, and panic disorder. The generic name for Klonopin is clonazepam. When taken as directed, Klonopin can benefit people suffering from anxiety, seizures, and panic disorder. Recognizing If […]
Identifying Signs of Drug Use At Work

To create a safe work environment for all, employers must be able to recognize the signs of drug use at work and in their employees. Drug use can lead to harmful accidents, putting the safety of the user and their coworkers at risk. It is also detrimental to the physical and emotional health of the […]