The Dangers of Mixing Gabapentin and Alcohol

When taken as prescribed, gabapentin can help a person with medical issues and not become a problem. Still, for many, it can become addictive. When combined with alcohol abuse, this combination of addictions requires professional treatment for substance abuse. Treatment starts with detox for alcohol and gabapentin and can be continued in an outpatient program. […]
Is Suboxone Addictive?

When someone develops an addiction to opiates or opioids, sometimes they use Suboxone as part of their recovery program. The medication can be quite helpful in controlling withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings. However, for some people, it can end up becoming a problem in and of itself. Is Suboxone addictive? It can be when an […]
What is Trauma-Informed Addiction Treatment?

Have you developed a substance use disorder and wondered if it might be connected to a traumatic event either in your past or that you are currently undergoing? When trauma impacts a person to the point that they begin to abuse alcohol or drugs to deal with it, they need to get professional trauma-informed addiction […]
Most Common Alcohol Withdrawal Medications

Have you come to terms with the fact that you need to remove alcohol from your life? It’s a smart and brave move, but it can come with the fear of going through detox. While most people deal with withdrawal symptoms when detoxing, what you may not know is that several alcohol withdrawal medications can […]
Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Abuse

When someone begins drinking alcohol, they almost never suspect it may turn into an addiction that threatens their health and even their lives. Someone who has struggled with this problem for a lengthy time likely runs into dealing with the long-term effects of alcohol abuse. For people who binge drink or have developed a dependence […]
Can You Overdose on Alcohol?

Sometimes people make the mistake of thinking that drugs are dangerous, but consuming a lot of alcohol doesn’t present any real risks. Can you overdose on alcohol? The simple answer is yes. When someone overdoses on alcohol, it becomes dangerous and even potentially life-threatening. This condition is also known as alcohol poisoning. If your life […]
Signs and Symptoms of Norco Addiction

Pain relievers can provide such a benefit for people who suffer from a variety of painful ailments. Unfortunately, they can also become addictive, causing a person to need help getting off them. Norco addiction affects the lives of many people. What may have started as simply trying to relieve a temporary or chronic pain condition […]
Alcohol Withdrawal Symptom Timeline

The first challenge of becoming sober from alcohol involves going through detox. People considering this often wonder about the specifics of the alcohol withdrawal symptom timeline. It can make it easier to enter detox and complete it when they know what to expect. As well, treatment centers can offer medical and psychological support that reduces […]
How To Deal With a Daughter Struggling with Drug Addiction

Are you a mother or father wondering how to deal with a drug addict daughter? Having a child that struggles with addiction is one of the most painful things a parent can face. Every parent has a dream for their child. They want them to be healthy, happy, and live meaningful lives. Addiction is never […]
How Long Does Xanax Stay In Your System?

Xanax is a prescription drug that can bring relief to those who need it and use it responsibly. Sadly, use of it can turn into abuse, causing a person to become addicted. Users often wonder things like, “How long does Xanax stay in your system?” The answer depends on a few determining factors. Ultimately, understanding […]