Toradol vs. Tramadol: Safer alternatives to Opioid Addiction

Pain management is a critical component of medical care, especially for individuals recovering from surgery, injuries, or chronic conditions. Among the most commonly prescribed medications for pain relief are Toradol (ketorolac) and Tramadol. While both are effective, they differ significantly in how they work, their potential for opioid addiction, and their suitability for long-term use. […]
Does Kratom Show Up on a Drug Test?

Written By: Erika Dalton, LCSWMedically Reviewed By: Dr. Rahul Gupta, MDLast Updated: June 10, 2024 Kratom has made a splash recently in the United States, making its way across the country and causing addiction to this potentially dangerous drug. Because it’s fairly new, even people who use it may have a lot of questions about […]
Is Gabapentin Addictive? (All You Need to Know)

Nearly every prescription drug has side effects. However, some prescriptions also carry a risk of addiction. While the risk is low, the drug gabapentin is addictive—especially when it is abused to enhance the effects of other drugs. Buckhead Behavioral Health provides substance abuse treatment programs for prescription and illicit drugs. Visit our admissions page today […]
What is a Speedball and Why Is It Incredibly Dangerous?

Combining drugs is a dangerous and potentially deadly issue called polysubstance abuse. One of the more well-known drug combinations is called a speedball—a mixture of heroin and cocaine. Using speedballs increases the risks of complications associated with substance abuse. Buckhead Behavioral Health in Atlanta, Georgia, offers addiction treatment programs for several illicit substances, including cocaine […]
How Long Does Naltrexone Stay in Your System?

Naltrexone can stay in your system for a variable amount of time. Depending on how you take naltrexone, it could be out of your system within one day or up to 30 days. Your addiction treatment specialist will recommend the best method for you to take naltrexone as part of your medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program. […]
How Long Does It Take to Detox From Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a deadly opioid drug that is a leading cause of drug overdose deaths in the United States. The city of Atlanta—and the entire state of Georgia—is not immune to this crisis. According to the Georgia Public Department of Health, “From 2019 to 2021, fentanyl-related drug overdose deaths increased 124%, from 614 to 1,379.” […]
Subutex vs Suboxone – What’s the Difference?

Opioid addiction is one of the most difficult substance use disorders to overcome, which makes the need to use the right medications during rehab important. Modern approaches to treating opioid use disorder often include using prescription medications to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. As a result, people have an easier time avoiding relapse. What medication is […]
Effects of Long-Term Suboxone Use

Suboxone is used to help people in the initial stages of treatment for opioid addiction. This medication can help make it easier to stop taking heroin because it helps quell some of the withdrawal symptoms. However, there are some questions about the long-term effects of Suboxone. How long is too long to take it and […]