What It Was Like
My recovery journey started in 2020, at the height of covid. after over three decades of drinking in unhealthy ways. I can, now, see that my alcohol consumption was well out of control before I realized it. My drinking was no mere habit, but it was the beginning of a progressive, fatal disease. Due to my alcoholism, my marriage of two decades was crumbling. My three teenage children were disgusted with my behavior and had lost all respect for me. I felt zero self-worth and was isolating myself from the world. Despite efforts to quit drinking alcohol my way, on my terms, I could not get and stay sober. Therefore, I could not be happy.

What Happened?
In time, my drinking only led to problems, including legal ones. My ‘yets’ started to happen, and I had to hit several bottoms. I kept digging my hole deeper with continued alcohol abuse. I sought comfort in the bottle to deal with all emotions, good and bad. That worked until it stopped, and only destructive things came out of my drinking. It is cunning, baffling, and powerful that I chose alcohol above the people I love and care for the most. At the end of my drinking days, I was literally drinking myself to death and often wished for the end.

What Is It Like Now?
Today, I enjoy living a new life filled with happiness and freedom. I owe much gratitude to Buckhead Behavioral Health for the treatment I received and the numerous resources provided to me by the amazing, caring staff/client advocates. Buckhead Behavioral Health guided me in the critical early days of my recovery journey through group and individual therapy, case management, nursing care, experiential therapy, holistic approaches, and various means of accountability. Building a new life is a gradual process, but it can be done with the proper help. With over a year of continuous sobriety, I live with much joy, serenity, peace, and restoration.