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Transfer Addiction: What It Is and How It Works

client in therapy for a transfer addiction

A transfer addiction—or “cross addiction”—is essentially trading one problematic behavior for another. Oftentimes, this occurs when you don’t have an adequate support system or healthy replacement strategies to cope with stress after you quit abusing drugs or alcohol. Buckhead Behavioral Health in Atlanta, Georgia, is here to help you overcome your addiction to reduce the […]

Is Gabapentin Addictive? (All You Need to Know)

yellow gabapentin capsules poured from prescription drug bottle

Nearly every prescription drug has side effects. However, some prescriptions also carry a risk of addiction. While the risk is low, the drug gabapentin is addictive—especially when it is abused to enhance the effects of other drugs. Buckhead Behavioral Health provides substance abuse treatment programs for prescription and illicit drugs. Visit our admissions page today […]

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms + Timeline

man dealing with cocaine withdrawal symptoms

Quitting cocaine is tough, but the risks of continuing to use it are dangerous. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 23% of overdose deaths in 2021 involved cocaine. However, the fear of cocaine withdrawal symptoms prevents many people from quitting—especially when they don’t get professional help. Buckhead Behavioral Health offers […]

The Difference Between Vyvanse and Adderall

doctor explains Vyvanse vs Adderall to a patient

In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals turn to prescription stimulants like Vyvanse and Adderall to manage conditions such as ADHD or narcolepsy. While both medications serve similar purposes, understanding their differences is crucial for informed decision-making and proper treatment. Moreover, with the rising prevalence of prescription stimulant addiction, recognizing the signs and symptoms becomes paramount. […]

Subutex vs Suboxone – What’s the Difference?

The difference between Subutex vs Suboxone.

Opioid addiction is one of the most difficult substance use disorders to overcome, which makes the need to use the right medications during rehab important. Modern approaches to treating opioid use disorder often include using prescription medications to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. As a result, people have an easier time avoiding relapse. What medication is […]

Bruce G.

What It Was Like I was an functional addict for many years. I kept good jobs, participated in church, I was educated with credentials, married to a wonderful wife, raised two daughters, but I did not take the disease of addiction serious. I would spend bill money, not come home for a couple of days […]

Does Drug Rehab Work?

Does drug rehab work?

When someone hits rock bottom during addiction to drugs or alcohol, they often know they need help but aren’t confident about getting it. They often wonder “Does drug rehab work?” Buckhead Behavioral Health created a program that uses several types of therapy modalities that show people how to become sober. Our staff of experienced, compassionate […]

Kristi S.

What It Was Like My recovery journey started in 2020, at the height of covid. after over three decades of drinking in unhealthy ways. I can, now, see that my alcohol consumption was well out of control before I realized it. My drinking was no mere habit, but it was the beginning of a progressive, […]

How To Stop Binge Drinking

how to stop binge drinking

Did you start drinking to relax or have fun and then found it became an addiction you cannot control? If you wonder how to stop binge drinking, we have the answer. Buckhead Behavioral Health in Atlanta provides the tools you need to understand how your drinking got out of control and, even more importantly, how […]

Buckhead Behavioral Health Launches Narcan Initiative

Addiction Treatment In Atlanta, Georgia

Buckhead Behavioral Health launches Narcan initiative to help reduce opioid overdose in Atlanta Atlanta, GA (July 29, 2022) – Buckhead Behavioral Health has launched a new initiative to help eliminate opioid overdose deaths. The treatment center, which offers outpatient addiction and mental health services, will now provide Narcan to every client who has struggled with […]