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Our drug rehab near Athens, GA, provides extensive and effective treatment designed to help people leave drug abuse behind. Someone whose world has been overtaken by addiction may know their life is not working, but they still feel uncertain about getting help. Getting treatment for a substance use disorder may seem intimidating at first, but reaching out for it provides great power and healing. Once a person becomes sober again, they realize how important it was to finally take the reigns of their lives again.

What Is Drug Rehab Like?

The term “drug rehab” can cover several specific types of treatment for addiction. The first step involves attending a detox program. Detox focuses on allowing the body to rid itself of toxins built up during the addiction. This allows the person to become clearer headed and ready to tackle the next phase of treatment. 

Some people then transition into residential care, which means they live in a facility for 30 days or more. For others, outpatient care fits the bill. Additionally, outpatient care can be used as a step-down treatment choice after someone leaves a residential plan. Outpatient drug rehab requires a person to attend sessions during the day while still being able to enjoy the convenience of living at home. For those who qualify, some outpatient care can even take place virtually. This allows the person to get quality, effective treatment via virtual sessions online from the convenience of their home.

What type of drug rehab near Athens a person needs depends on their specific situation. A treatment facility, physician, or therapist can provide an assessment that helps determine what level of addiction treatment each person needs. At Buckhead Behavioral Health, we have multiple treatment options for rehabs in Georgia that can help meet your needs.

Tour Our Rehab Near Athens, GA

How Do I Know If I Need Drug Rehab? 

Too often, someone who needs drug rehab isn’t aware of it. Things that indicate someone needs rehab include difficulty or an inability to get through the day without using drugs. The person also develops a tolerance and has to increase the dosage in order to get the same effect. Their drug abuse may negatively impact their personal relationships, jobs, and other areas of their lives. Yet, they continue to use drugs. 

Another indicator that someone needs drug rehab is that they have tried to stop using drugs and find they cannot do it alone. The withdrawal symptoms that occur prove too difficult to handle, driving the person back to drug usage. Even if they do manage to stop using drugs for some time, they end up returning to them. Quality drug rehab can help the person quit for good. 

Benefits of Going to Drug Rehab Near Athens, GA

Drug rehabs employ experienced staff members who know how to work with people who want to become sober. The staff understands the importance of using compassion and guidance to help people achieve their goals. These programs can offer multiple types of therapy all under one roof, making getting well convenient and easier to accomplish.

Drug rehabs also offer peer support, which can keep people with the same goals focused on accomplishing them. Being around other people committed to sobriety can help empower each person to avoid the triggers that may happen outside of treatment. As a matter of fact, many friendships that begin in treatment last after it ends. This provides a valuable resource for many who want to stay in touch and continue supporting each other. 

What to Expect at our Drug Rehab Near Athens

Our drug rehab near Athens, GA, lets people take advantage of several types of therapy modalities commonly used to treat addiction. Therapies range from individual to family therapy to holistic therapy. Whether done one-on-one with a therapist or as part of a group, each session adds to a person’s ability to understand their addiction. Knowing why the individual developed a substance use disorder helps them avoid relapse. 

Key among things taught in drug rehab in therapy is the development of healthy coping skills. These skills can be used to combat triggers like boredom, difficult emotions, and not having self-confidence. Healthy coping skills also can lead to new hobbies that do not include hanging around old acquaintances who still abuse drugs. 

Drug rehab not only teaches people to maintain their sobriety but also to keep it a priority after treatment concludes. In fact, the longer a person stays in addiction treatment, the more likely they are to stay sober for the long haul.

Does Insurance Cover Drug Rehab?

The cost of drug rehab near Athens can concern a person, but they may not realize that insurance can provide the help needed. In fact, most insurance plans cover different types of treatment for addiction. Anyone interested should check with their company to determine what coverage options are available to them. As well, many treatment facilities offer free verification services and can offer advice on getting started on the paperwork.

Begin Drug Rehab in Athens, GA 

The longer a person stays lost in their addiction to drugs or alcohol, the harder it can be to make the decision to get help. Buckhead Behavioral Health offers the kind of professional, compassionate help designed to teach you to become sober and learn to stay that way. Our outpatient programs feature several types of therapy proven to help people overcome substance use disorders. Our drug rehab in Athens, GA, can be the place you begin to turn your life around.

For more information, just visit our admissions page now. We make it easy to get started on getting the help you deserve.

Erika Dalton, LMSW

Erika brings over a decade of clinical experience to Buckhead Behavioral Health. After starting as one of the first employees at Creekside Recovery Residences, Erika now works as Executive Director, leading program development across Creekside and sister company Buckhead Behavioral Health. She specializes in treating addiction, mood disorders, co-occurring disorders, trauma and challenges related to life transitions. Her extensive clinical experience includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), expressive therapy, 12-Step concepts, motivational interviewing, solution-focused strategies and culturally competent interventions. Erika earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Georgia State University and graduated with honors from Walden University with a master’s degree in social work. She has witnessed the devastation that addiction and mental illness can create in the lives of individuals and families and is an ardent believer in human beings’ innate resilience and capacity for positive change. Find Erika on LinkedIn